The Arts Center of the Capital Region

There are presently no open calls for submissions.


Welcome to the Arts Center of the Capital Region.

We operate with a simple principle: art belongs to everyone.

From our mission to our values to our programs, we view the Arts Center as a creative and responsive organization with deep roots in the community, exciting collaborations and an expansive vision of how the arts can flourish in our region by helping to foster a supportive, inclusive and livable community.

We were founded in 1962 as the Rensselaer County Council on the Arts in Troy, NY, and it has been since these early days that we have partnered with the New York State Council on the Arts to manage the SCR program for Rensselaer, Albany and Schenectady Counties.

Our goal is to create a robust creative community that intersects, informs, and inspires the public while fostering growth in our artists and transforming our community’s cultural understanding and expression.

We achieve this goal through four core programmatic areas:

·  arts in the public realm, in which we develop public art and exhibitions with and for the public

·  community projects in which we foster neighborhood engagement

·  arts education, in which we offer hundreds of classes a year for all ages and abilities, including community college and public-school programs, and

·  artists’ services, in which we provide grants, funding and training services for artists, who are the foundation of our work.

The Arts Center of the Capital Region